Bora Bora Holidays

Decked in emerald green and framed with azure waters, Bora Bora stands as a jewel of the South Pacific. Suspended somewhere between a dream and reality, this island group at the heart of French Polynesia seductively connects with the heart of every traveller.

With its luxury resorts lacing the tapestry of cerulean lagoons and coral reefs, Bora Bora is more than a romantic escapade. It promises a world made up of ethereal beauty, rugged adventure, cultural riches and culinary extravagance. Welcome to your guide on Bora Bora, a place like nowhere else.

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Things to See and Do

Cloaked in legend and swathed in undeniable natural charm, Bora Bora invites the adventurer in each holidaymaker to explore, discover and revel in a concoction of experiences. From unparalleled marine life to captivating mountain treks, journeys of historical eras to serene beaches, let's steer your excitement towards the major highlights.

Luxuriate on Matira Beach

Set against a canvas of white and turquoise, Matira Beach is Bora Bora's natural masterpiece. Find pleasure in the simple joy of swimming, snorkelling, sunbathing under the tropical sun, or a wander amidst the silhouettes of palms. Stay a while; the transformation of the landscape at sunset is breath-taking.

Dive into the Lagoon

Weave yourself into the tapestry of underwater treasures beneath Bora Bora's lagoon. Snorkel amongst the brightly coloured fish and coral gardens or, dive to explore the ocean's enigmatic depth; it's a kaleidoscope of marine life waiting to enamour you.

Ascend Mount Pahia and Mount Otemanu

Test your agility by setting foot on the hiking trails of these twin peaks, enticing you with their lush verdant cloak. The rewarding panorama from the top is well worth the extra effort.

Respect History at Marae

Gain insight into Polynesian cultures at Marae, the ceremonial stone platforms. Often posed against the stunning backdrop of lagoons, they offer a glance back into the pre-European era, mixing history with incredible view-points.

Explore Vaitape

Navigate through the cheery hustle and bustle of Vaitape, Bora Bora's largest city. From shopping opportunities, local eateries to friendly encounters with natives, you will find the whispers of authenticity amidst the touches of tourism.

Destination Essentials

Bora Bora's climate invites visitors all year round, with each season proposing a different charm and experience. However, if you're seeking balmy climes minus bustling crowds, April and November mark the transition periods, providing pleasant weather with potential deals on accommodation.

Dry season from June to October boasts ideal weather, but also brings heavy tourist influx and accompanying rise in prices. December to March, regarded as the low season, could fetch great deals at luxury resorts, though it may accompany unpredictable weather. Ultimately, choosing when to visit Bora Bora depends on your preferred cocktail of weather, prices and crowds.

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