Ravello Holidays

Nestled high above the sun-drenched Amalfi Coast, the pearl of Southern Italy, Ravello offers a transcendent blend of captivating history, jaw-dropping beauty, and enchanting charm. This is the place that enchanted Wagner, inspired DH Lawrence, and became a sanctuary for Virginia Wolf, just to name a few.

Resplendent with lavish villas, breathtaking gardens, and awe-inspiring panoramic vistas, Ravello encapsulates the essence of a quintessential Italian escape. Layered with rich stories and shaped by a vibrant history, Ravello entices its visitors with captivating mysteries waiting to be unravelled.

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Things to See and Do

From the grandeur of historic villas, the unrivalled beauty of stunning gardens, too the mesmerising music festivals, Ravello holds many marvels that'll satiate even the most judicious of travellers. Embrace a tantalising journey through time, indulge in the magnificent natural beauty, and immerse in the soul-stirring creativity that makes Ravello an extraordinary destination.

Visit the historic Villa Rufolo

Built in the 13th century, Villa Rufolo brims with a fusion of Arabic, Sicilian, and Norman architectural beauties. Fondly referred to as the "garden of the soul", it offers visitors a breathtaking overlook of the turquoise sea-coast. Beyond its history, Villa Rufolo is equally famous for its associations with the composer Richard Wagner, thereby making it a must-visit for culture vultures.

Explore the grand Villa Cimbrone Gardens

Arguably the crowning glory of Ravello, Villa Cimbrone Gardens offers sweeping views of the azure Mediterranean. Tour the beautiful gardens and seek out the Terrazza dell'Infinito (Terrace of Infinity), famed for offering what Gore Vidal claimed to be the finest view on Earth.

Stroll through the Giardini Principessa di Piemonte

This beautifully manicured public garden offers breathtaking panoramic views of the coastline. Hugged by flowering plants and splendid trees, this park is the epitome of Mediterranean garden beauty, where you can effortlessly lose track of time.

Immerse yourself in Di Ravello Festival

Every summer, Ravello transforms into a magical music stage, paying homage to Wagner who found his inspiration here for the second act of his Parsifal. From classical symphonies, ballets, to art exhibitions, the festival offers rich cultural experiences amidst stunning settings.

Take a historic journey through Duomo di Ravello

The cathedral, with its stunning bronze door and the charming pulpit of the Gospels, is a masterpiece of art and architecture. Located at Ravello’s central square; the cathedral is a spiritual landmark for the locals and a captivating attraction for visitors.

Destination Essentials

The best time to visit Ravello is from late spring to early autumn (May to October) when the weather boasts a pleasant warmth of 20 to 30 degrees centigrade. During this period, the town is in full bloom with an array of vibrant flowers, making it even more photogenic. The famous Ravello Festival also takes place during the summer, offering a vibrant cultural experience amidst stunning settings.

Visiting outside of the peak season (April, November) allows a more relaxed discovery of this gem, although some amenities may be closed. Notably, the views and beauty of Ravello are enchanting throughout the year.

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