Brussels Holidays

A magnificent melding of historic allure and cosmopolitan charm, Brussels - the vibrant capital of Belgium - invites travellers to immerse themselves in its unique atmosphere. Nestled at the heart of the Brussels-Capital Region, this bustling urban yard brims with international intrigue, landmark attractions, and a culinary scene that could tantalise even the fussiest of palates. Whether you're a history buff, architecture enthusiast, foodie or simply a wanderlust-infused traveller, you've come to the right place. This guide will navigate you through Brussels’ cobblestone streets, recounting tales of ancient grandeur while offering a treasure trove of gastronomic delights.

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Things to See and Do

From breathtaking architectural masterpieces to tranquil parks, Brussels is a treasure trove of memorable visitor experiences. As we guide you through the charming quarters of the city, you'll discover a wealth of unmissable attractions to fill your travel itinerary. Ready? Let's start exploring.

Marvel over the splendour of Grand Place

Renowned as Brussels' beating heart, the Grand Place is a magnificent square enveloped by opulent Baroque guildhalls boasting intricate detail. Here, the striking Town Hall and the Brussels City Museum bear witness to the city's rich history. Whether visited by day or under the glow of evening lights, the square's architectural beauty never fails to enchant.

Unearth history at the Palais du Coudenberg

Venture beneath Brussels' bustling streets and discover the intriguing ruins of the Palace of Coudenberg. Royal residence for six centuries, its underground remnants whisper stories of old, while the BELvue Museum chronicles Belgium's national history.

Ascend the heights of Mont des Arts

Offering stunning panoramic views of Brussels, Mont des Arts is a must-visit. Home to the National Archives and the Royal Library of Belgium, this cultural epicentre was once a bustling neighbourhood, transformed into an avant-garde arts quarter by King Leopold II.

Relish nature at Bois de la Cambre

Escape the city hustle and wander through the serene paths of the Bois de la Cambre. This expansive urban park, graced with leafy trees and tranquil ponds, invites visitors to unwind amidst nature, or even hire a boat and glide leisurely over the waters.

Explore the world at Mini-Europe

The world is at your fingertips at Mini-Europe, where you can walk from the canals of Venice to the Acropolis of Athens in an afternoon. Celebrating the diversity of Europe through its detailed miniature models, this delightful park is a must-visit for families.

Food and Drink

Brussels’ culinary scene is a fusion of gastronomic traditions and contemporary flair. Eat like a local and relish an array of culinary delights ranging from sweet treats to hearty meals.

Savour traditional waffles

Belgian waffles are a must-try. Enjoy them warm, dusted with powdered sugar, or choose from a selection of enticing toppings. Head over to Maison Dandoy, a household name in Brussels, to sample the best in town.

Nibble on Authentic Belgian Chocolates

Chocolate connoisseurs' taste buds will rejoice at the melting luxury of Belgian chocolate. Visit Pierre Marcolini or Neuhaus, some of the city's most venerated chocolatiers, for the ultimate chocolate experience.

Indulge in Belgian Fries

Unassumingly served with an array of mouthwatering sauces, Belgian fries are a culinary delight. Snack on a portion from Maison Antoine or any other popular "friterie".

Experience Beer Tasting

Brussels boasts a staggering variety of beers to sample. Join a brewery tour or visit a local pub to savour the exceptionally crafted local brews.

Taste Waterzooi

This traditional creamy stew, bursting with chicken or fish, and various vegetables, is a comforting treat. Try it at L'Huîtrière, a Brussels' dining institution.

Destination Essentials

With its mild, temperate climate, Brussels is a joy to visit at any time of the year. If you're keen to see the city bloom in a riotous array of colours, plan your trip for the spring months, when the air is crisp and temperate. Summer in Brussels, between June and August, is sunny and vibrant with a range of outdoor events, although this also means larger crowds and potentially higher accommodation prices. If you prefer a quieter, more peaceful holiday, plan your visit during autumn or winter. While winter brings colder temperatures, it also welcomes a flurry of charming Christmas markets and festive celebrations.

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